What is the profit in studying the Millennial Kingdom? In this essasy/blog we will look at the value of such a study and go further to explore what meditation on this topic can do for you. My book, The Millennial Kingdom is a meditation and a study of an incredible future and a new beginning. It is a way to know God.
In 1 Timothy 3, at the end of that chapter the Apostle Paul includes a meditation in the passage for church leaders to use in their continued growth in Christ and for an experience of intense sanctification as they serve God in leadership in local churches. Meditation upon these phrases in verse 16 of chapter 3 will increase the awe one feels in the "mystery of godliness". The chapter covers the qualifications and requirements of church leadership, both for Elders, Bishops and Deacons. When Paul concludes the list of qualifications, he then provides the most powerful set of meditations for the purpose of their sanctification imaginable. The last meditation, last, because if comes last in the chronology of Jesus first appearance on earth, is Jesus return to Heaven in pomp and circumstance where He is today, and where he will be until His return and until the establishment of a kingdom on earth - The Millennial Kingdom.
1 Timothy 3:16 reads {NKJV} "And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: 1) 'God was manifest in the flesh 2) Justified in the Spirit 3) Seen by angels 4) Preached among the Gentiles 5) Believed on in the world 6) Received up into glory." [numbering added]. Each of these phrases are a separate meditation and each one alone could become a consuming theme occupying your days. As we look at these six meditations we see first that Paul is asking you to consider the incarnation, when true holiness manifests for the first time in flesh in the Babe in Bethlehem, and 2nd, to recall and meditate upon the evidence of His deity and Sonship as the Holy Spirit settles upon Him and testifies of Him. Your mind naturally goes to the scene at Jesus baptism, when the Holy Spirit settles upon Him. Next, He is seen by angels, and one's mind must go to the Transfiguration [Mathew 17:1-9] when Heaven opened to reveal Him for just a moment, radiant in glory. Consider the preaching to the Gentiles, a topic too dense to unwrap here, but the books of Acts and Romans describe the incredible work of grace which God manifested on earth. And as He was believed on, people's lives were transformed. Every book written or testimony given of a transformed life could be your meditation, and these accounts can powerfully inspire and transform. And finally, the last phrase, "received up into glory" helps us to understand the reason for studying the Millennial Kingdom. He was taken up in Acts 1:9 in pomp to take His place with God the Father, to await His Bride. Who is He now, and how shall He appear when we see Him again, and how will we be when next we meet Him, because we will all meet Him.
This last meditation is the topic of my book, which seeks to unpack, the transformations coming in the Millennial Kingdom. Among the 700 verses we consider in my book, is Psalm 46:8-9 which says "Come and see the works of the Lord, the desolation he has brought on the earth; He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth ... Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth." I write in my book, "The one who was rejected by the earth, the man who was rejected by Israel, will be revealed and they will finally know who He is, as the earth receives the gift of peace. Since Adam left the Garden of Eden, God has not been honored as God ... Finally, all the earth will be still and know that He is God."
Why meditate on these six things? Because in doing so, you will be transformed. Why read The Millennial Kingdom? Because the purpose in writing it, was to present Jesus, as revealed in Scripture, as the God/King, and to welcome Him into your heart and life, and thinking upon these things - to be utterly and truly transformed.
I hope you will pick up a copy, and tell your friends and your pastor about my new book, and if you can, give it some stars on Amazon. God bless you as you consider Him.
